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Watches that make you look smarter – that you can actually afford

This is the first of a series of articles in which I will discuss the signals that certain watches send. We all know that a high end luxury timepiece by Patek, Jaeger LeCoultre and Rolex signals wealth, success, power etc. But what about the more affordable alternatives out there?

Before we get into examples of watches that sends signals that you are highly intelligent, I will just get a few remarks out of the way. I am not affiliated with any of the products or brands mentioned in this article. The examples are based solely on my own personal taste and experience. I will however, be linking to the discussed watches on Amazon, that way, I can make sure that the watches I talk about is actually accessible for purchase and if you decide to buy one of them using the link, I will receive a small commission that will allow me to create more of these articles and great content for you guys!

So without further ado, let's get into it, shall we?

So you might ask, why you would care at all about the signals an item like a watch sends? Shouldn't you just show people with your actions that you are a genius piece of brain in stead of wasting time on appearing to be smart? The fact is that people's first impression of you is based on your immediate appearance and if you come off as a bit dull, then you'll have to struggle a lot to convince anyone of your brilliance. But as you are reading this article you obviously already know this, so let's talk watches!

The benefits of wearing a watch

First let's get into benefits of wearing any watch and what signals simply wearing a watch sends to people you meet. A watch let's you tell the time with literally a flick of your wrist – I know I'm stating the obvious here. But where everyone can check the time on their phones, have a watch on your wrist will send a subconscious signal to people around you that you care about keeping track of time and thus are more organised, punctual and reliable than people checking time on their phones.

Pulling out your phone at work for example can signal that you are distracted from your work and phones are in general associated with not being attentive to where you are here and know. A watch on the other hand sends much more positive signals, so I could maybe even go so far as to say that a watch has little practical use, as you can tell time in so many other ways (every screen/phone/laptop around you has a clock), but has a strong signal value.

Watches that can make you look less intelligent

Now let's briefly talk about watches that have the opposite effect, that is, watches that make you look less intelligent than you actually.

Within recent years, fashion has dictated watches to get bigger and bigger and BIGGER AND BIGGER...

While this trend has other benefits, such as (at least in theory) big chunky watches should signal physical strength and big gold bracelets as well as bezels and dials embellished with precious stones should signal wealth, success and status.

However, with the occurrence of cheaply manufactured watches with gold-plated bracelets and look-a-like diamond ornamentations, often rebranded with the logo of well-known fashion brands on the dial, this trend is beginning to loose its exclusivity and thus value as status symbols.

While big chunky sports watches on steel bracelets does in fact make you appear physically stronger due to their masculine and tool-like appearance, they might not make you look all that smart, as physicality and strength more often make associations to physical labour than intellectual achievements.

So which watches to for instead? (If you want to appear smarter)

The answer is, it depends. What is perceived as being smart varies between different context, meaning that there is not one perfect answer to this question. One watch might send the right signals if you strive to make a career in the tech industry, one if you want to appear as a successful business person, etc.

Therefore, I have compiled a list of watches, divided into categories, that can benefit you in different situations.

Smart watches

What seems more obvious when talking about watches that makes you look smarter than smart watches?

A smart watch can send a signal that you are tech savvy, up to beat with the newest technology, and use your watch to perform a range of practical functions everyday – in addition to simply telling the time. The downside to smart watches, is that in contrast to traditional watch making, the technological development is moving so fast that you will have to invest in a newer model within a relatively short time. This is of course not a problem to most tech-heads – another excuse to buy new gadgets, great!

But if you have the a smart watch with the newest technology on your wrist, you'll send a strong signal that you know what's going on, on the tech front. Especially if you can back it up dishing out the specs and features to impress everyone asking about your wrist gadget.

The Apple Watch

Probably the first watch people thinks about when they think of smart watches is the Apple Watch. And if you already are using Apple products and can afford it, the newest incarnation of Apple's smart watch might be the way to go for you.

However, the Apple Watch has its downsides, depending on what incarnation is available when you read this, chances are that the AW could be lacking in useful apps, especially considered its price tag. The upside is that from version 2 onwards the AW is water resistant and includes onboard GPS, which allows it to be used for fitness purposes.

I will not go into the technical details and specs here, as there are plenty of reviews of Apple's and other smart watches out there, just use Google or check the Amazon link above for reviews.

But one thing to consider in this context is that Apple products in general divides people, some people swear by them while either swear just as passionately by not owning Apple products. So know that the AW will send different signals to different people before you invest your hard earned money.

Android watches

Fortunately there are many alternatives when it comes to smart watches. Popular choices at the moment I am writing this article is the Samsung S3, Huawei Watch, and the LG Watch Style and Sport.

Analog watches

The exact opposite direction to going with the newest smart watch is to go with a piece of classic technology – a mechanical watch. Where a smart watch gets outdated as fast as the next version is developed, a well made mechanical watch can last for generations.

Both sports watches and smart watches are big in size and definitely calls for attention, so having a smaller and minimalistic "dress" watch, will send a signal of sophistication and appreciation for history, as mechanical watches have been around for centuries.

Mechanical watches can become a very costly investment, especially when shopping for Swiss brands, but there are alternatives out there that will still turn heads stylistically as well as get you nods from watch enthusiasts.

I have compiled some of my own favourite automatic watches below.

The Orient Bambino

Minimalist designs like the Orient Bambino are very much invoke right now. However, unlike many of the watches from various fashion brands you see in shopping malls right now, that sports cheap mass produced Quartz movements* and general low quality, the Orient Bambino is a proper mechanical watch.

* The movement is the mechanics inside a watch that literally makes it tick.

Orient has a long history of watch making dating back to 1950 and has proved themselves by making some of the best bang for your buck automatic watches in the world. You simply won't find a better deal on an automatic watch than their Bambino model.

The Bambino comes in a variety of models and styles, and they are all very up to date with contemporary fashion, while retaining a timeless elegant design, that is as classic as it is modern.

Digital Watches

A third option, somewhat in between smart watches at the forefront of technology and mechanical watches continuing the classic traditions of watch making, is digital watches.

Digital watches are becoming retro cool. If you, like me grew up in the 80's or 90's, you probably had a digital watch growing up and have a bit of a nostalgic soft spot for these small gadgets.

Casio watches

And nobody does digital watches better than Casio. Chances are if you ever owned a digital watch, it was made by Casio. The company makes literally millions of watches each year and they are THE brand most people think of when thinking of digital watches.

The best part about Casio watches? They cost virtually nothing. You purchase the legendary F91W-1 for ONLY $10!! I find that truly amazing.

A digital watch has that "nerdy-cool" vibe to it. It sends the signal that you've always spend more time on doing your math homework than worrying about fashion trends, and just by accident happen to retro chic.

If you are not afraid to stand out and embrace your inner nerdy kid, you can pick up these watches for next to nothing or even build a collection so your watch will always match the code pun printed on your shirt.

Do you agree with the list? Which watches did I miss? Which would you have added?

Feel free to comment below with any topics, watch related or otherwise I should cover next.

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