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Simple hacks to achieve a respect demanding voice

Studies show that speaking with a deep tone of voice unconsciously affects the people around you, the people you talk and interact with to take you more seriously – to trust what you are telling them.

In other words, to give you the respect you deserve.

If you are in a position to lead others. You just got that promotion to an executive role at the office. You are the face of your own company, you need people to listen and respect what you have to say. Chances are you have a greater chance of becoming successful if you speak in a deeper voice.

Alright guys, I hear you. We all are pretty much stuck with the voice we are born with. Intentionally trying to make your voice sound deeper than it is, is not only uncomfortable, it can be rough on your vocal tract and even harmful to your voice.

You might have a higher pitched voice than your friends and colleagues. That might just be the way it is, and out of your control. In that case, chances are you are young. And all really can do is to wait. Your voice will get deeper with age.

However, there are some techniques you can use to achieve a slightly deeper tone of voice and get more people to listen to you.


The number one reason that your voice will get higher pitched is that your throat and vocal tract are not relaxed.

Are you building up stress and tension in your throat? Then you chance of producing deeper speech sounds are significantly reduced. Singers know this, and whenever they need to hit those low notes they warm up their voice first. They do exercises that relaxes the muscles around the vocal tract.

And if you think; if I relax to much I cannot speak loud enough to make sure that people hear me. However, this is a common misunderstanding. Look at opera singers. If you have been to the opera, the singers often sing up entire concert halls with just their voice, without need for amplification. In fact, this is how the style developed, they needed a way of singing that could be heard over a full orchestra. Now, opera is all about relaxing the vocal tract and the more you relax, the more volume you get and the louder voice will be.

So, if you are giving an important presentation, about to give a speech at your best friends wedding, what ever it is. You might look into a few warm up exercises to warm up and relax your voice, to send the signal that you want to send.

Want to learn how to take care, protect and improve your voice? Then check out this awesome book including illustrations, photographs, FAQs, and a CD with audio examples. A must read for anyone who depends on an strong and engaging voice:

This brings me to technique number #2: yawn a lot.

I kid you not guys! Yawning actually relaxes your throat and makes your voice deeper. But be a bit careful with this one, if you are up for giving the next presentation at a conference, don’t sit in the audience and yawn on purpose while someone else is talking. You will most likely end up coming off as offensive, like you want to show that the presentation is boring.

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